Russian-Czech parallels of the history of arts : (some notes on the history, culture and literature of some selected Slavonic nations)


My paper "Russian-Czech Art Studies Parallels. Remarks About History, Culture And Literature Of Selected Slavonic Nations" examines works of chosen new wave authors – L. Petrushevskaya, S. Gedeon and J. Menzel. Their pieces of art are analyzed through M. M. Bachtins. principle of carnivalisation which helps us with recovering of important problems of political, cultural and social background of the years before and during the transformation and in early post-soviet period. Above-cited authors are interested in modern interpersonal relations and social systems. Their aim is to discover the balance between social and artistic language that is acceptable and that is not. Their production confirms that a satiric attitude of an artist is still the most important device of nonconformist writers and film directors, whose works play against the official discourse.

Art studies parallels; L. S. Petrushevskaya; S. Gedeon; J. Menzel; Czech film; Russian literature


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