"Oświecenie stanisławowskie" and "odrodzenie narodowe" terms as cognitive macrostructures
Polish literature; Czech literature; Enlightenment; 18th century; memetics
The paper focus on two terms from Slavonic history of literature: polish term "oświecenie stanisławowskie" and Czech term "národní obrození". Both this terms are used to describe literature of let 18th and early 19th century and they were created simultaneously in polish and Czech culture at the end of 19th century. Both terms are used in contemporary teaching process as best way to see show enlighment culture of the region but at same time many important writers and ideas cannot be described by using those terms. This paper tries to use memetic as new approach which doesn't leads to exclude certain ideas and people from historical discourse.
Polish literature; Czech literature; Enlightenment; 18th century; memetics
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