Romanticism of nonromantic culture : (a Czech case)


The article focuses on the present day discussion about a place of Romanticism in Czech culture. This question seemed to be obvious to many generations of Czech critics who supported an opinion that a romantic philosophy as well as a romantic style did not rather fit to a national situation of Czechs in the 19th century. Recently this belief has begun to change and the question of "Czech Romanticism" is regarded now in a more diverse way. Some Czech critics started to stress that Romanticism existed in a different embodiment dependent on local culture and a clear definition of Romanticism has never been formulated up to now. Under the influence of this discussion about Romanticism as well as principles of a post-structural comparative studies, which stress rather a difference than a similarity of cultural process, some Czech scholars started to claim that this movement influenced Czech culture much more deeper than it was maintained for years. The author of the article refers to this polemics but does not involve in the dispute, because she is interested in a different question. She asks why Czechs today want to discover a romantic culture as a part of their national heritage. In the last paragraph the author analyzes a novel by a Czech writer, Karel Sabina, which can be read as a severe judgement of Romanticism as well as a romantic judgement of weakness and defects of the Czech nation.

Czech romanticism; post-structural comparative studies; Czech culture; Karel Sabina


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