Transcendující myšlení Petra Liby : (několik poznámek a komentářů)
cultural studies; globalization; tradition; spirituality
The author of the present contribution summarizes the scholarly activity of professor Peter Liba who transcends the boundaries of literary criticism towards cultural studies and interdisciplinarity in the sense of the permanent permeability and comparative character of the research. The author comments upon the three parts of Liba's thought manifested in a volume of his studies Culture/Literature (2005): cultural character of social communication, such as science, globalization, the national character of cultural creativeness, and the way to the roots of tradition and spirituality including the works of the Russian religious poet and philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. In his comments the author accentuates Liba's ability to transcend the layers of human thinking and his intuitive grasp of all the substantial in cultural activity of mankind.
cultural studies; globalization; tradition; spirituality