Some of comparative literary traditions in Central Europe


The study analyzes some of comparative literary traditions in Central Europe. In the forefront is the intercultural sensibility in the thinking of researchers who are in opposition to the methods well established in the environment of so-called big literatures. Intercultural comparative literature is viewed in the context of intercultural philosophy, has a common interest in exploring certain categories, such as foreign and others, which play in polylingual cultural situation in Central Europe an important role. The study pursues some ways, which lead to the constitution of comparative literature, whose dialog with intercultural philosophy is based on the refusal of cultural hegemony of the so-called large national cultures over the so called small cultures, older traditions over younger traditions. They also govern the role of the indirectly perceived civilization waves, spiritual flow, art directions etc.

Central Europe; intercultural comparative literature; intercultural philosophy; polylingual cultural situation; foreign and other; René Wellek; Peter V. Zima


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