On the deep philosophical knowledge in the study meditations on Quixote of José Ortega y Gasset in comparabilness
novel; mythos; metaphor; imagination; epos; irony; vulgar language; sacred language
The text is trying to interprete the conception of the deep philosophical knowledge of the Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset in his study Meditations on Quixote in comparableness. The text explains the deep philosophical knowledge through the explanation of metaphor, such as metaphor of the forest, one of the most important metaphors of the knowledge. This metaphor could be found also in the study of Ernst Jünger The Forest passage and in this text are seen the similarities and differencies between the conceptions of the metaphor in both philosophical studies. The text ex¬plores the conception of the novel as a genre and the relationships between the author of the novel, its protagonists and the reader. The conclusive conceptions are done as a result of a comparison between the theories of the novel of J. Ortega y Gasset and Michail M. Bachtin among others.
novel; mythos; metaphor; imagination; epos; irony; vulgar language; sacred language
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