Literary scientific expeditions and returns


Exchange of generations in literary scientific research has brought returns to the personalities of the national literature and culture that, as a rule, from the mid-twentieth century have been a part of the research. Even in this context, old experience has proven that returns always bring a deeper and more thorough understanding of the material which had to wait for the new researcher. The reasons tend to be different, archives are made available later, documents which remained unnoticed are found in the inheritance. Rare are literary historian's meetings with the author whose work was closed. So there appeared an opportunity to present to the professional public the results of penetration into the layers of the text that remained in the background of literary criticism or readers' attention. A cross section of the publications suggests that nothing that touches the artistic literature and its author is completed. It is always possible to return and it even turns out that returns are necessary so that the descendants can understand the development of national literature in the distant as well as near past.

Bohuslav Tablic; Svetozár Hurban Vajanský; Laco Novomeský; Vincent Šikula; literary science; cognitive research of an artistic text; text comprehension


BARBORÍK, Vladimír: Hl'adanie rozprávača (Prózy Vincenta Šikulu). Bratislava: Literárne informačné centrum, 2014.

DOROVSKÝ, Ivan: Slované a Evropa. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2000.

DRUG, Štefan: Väzeň vlastných súdruhov. Z väzenských rokov básnika Novomeského. Zost. Ján Gavura. Vedec. red. Zdeněk Doskočil a Ján Gavura. Fintice – Košice, 2015.

MERVART, Jan: Naděje a iluze. Čeští a slovenští spisovatelé v reformním hnutí šedesátých let. Brno: Host, 2010.

RIŠKOVÁ, Lenka: Básnické umenie podl'a Bohuslava Tablica. Bratislava: Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, 2014.

TARANENKOVÁ, Ivana: Fenomén Vajanský. Medzi ideálom umenia a ideou národa. Bratislava: Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, 2010.





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