Specific aspect of memoirs from concentrations camps


The missing or voluntary semantic motivation thus can lead to the wrong interpretation and to the vagueness of a given term. In our works, we prefer the term "memoir literature from the environment of the concentration camps". In the Italian context, the authors distinguish, for instance, the terms "concentration literature" (i.e. literature written during internment in the concentration camp) and "memoir literature" (works written after the liberation). Franca Mariani, Francesco Guerre a Raul Mordenti in the work Literary forms in History consider terms "memoir writing and "recollection writing" or "literature of testimony". The works of Giorgio Bassani or Natalie Ginsburg are assigned to the first group, the works of Primo Levi to the second. We accent mainly a terminology and genre characteristics of Vlastislav Válek, Ivo Pospíšil, František Štraus and Peter Valček in Slovak and Czech context.

memoirs; genre; concentration camps; Slovak Literature; Italian Literature


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