Human behavior determined by historical events in the novel Lajos Grendel - Ostrá streľba


Aim of this contribution is to analyze the novel Lajos Grendel Ostrá streľba. Grendel's novel lies in the intellectual analysis, the description of which time levels against each the grotesque way. Last but not least, unexpected twists, mixing reality, fairy tale and myth to create an authentic atmosphere. Lajos Grendel is an excellent master of group psychology − because he does not actually create different characters, the characters are basically just mirrors, which reflect the whole of society. And this is his undoubted benefits. Creates a panoramic mirror that captures society in a particular situation. The benefit of this work is the depiction of human action in the perception of Lajos Grendel.

Lajos Grendel; Ostrá streľba; history; society; individuum


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