The Jew stereotype in the Ukrainian and English historical prose of the first half of the 19th century


The article deals with the theme of modelling the Jew stereotype in the Ukrainian and Russian literature of the first half of the XIX cent. In the paper we prove that the Jew image in the literary texts of W. Scott, Ch. Dickens, O. Somov, G. Kvitka-Osnovianenko, P. Kulish, Ye. Grebinka is often the prototype of a villain who intrigues and tricks trying to get on with his current or ex-offenders, and often – to deceive and destroy them. At the same time, he is humiliated and powerless pariah in the Christian community, a man of the "lower class", and even with the partial integration in society, this "mole sign" is constantly emphasized by the authors. Images of the "beautiful" Jewish women Rebecca and Tatiana and their fate (the novels of W. Scott and P. Kulish) express the deep "culturalhistorical" gap between them and their loved ones – representatives of Christian culture.

stereotype; historical fiction; the image of the Jew; imagology


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