Putting pieces of (hi)story together in Ludmila Ulitskaya's novel Daniel Stein, Interpreter (2006)


The following paper explores the theme of the Holocaust in Ludimila Ulitskaya's novel Daniel Stein Interpreter (2006). Although the Holocaust is not Ulitskaya's main focus, this theme is very much present in the text. The author of the following article explores the relationship between the structure of the text and the complexity of historical research of the Holocaust in the former Soviet Union. In the analysis, the author touches upon such issues as the commemoration of the Holocaust victims from the Soviet territories and the Russian national memory of the Holocaust, and the way they both are represented in the novel. The article searches for an answer regarding the role of Ulitskaya's novel in the public debate about the Holocaust in today's Russia.

Holocaust; Ludmila Ulitskaya; commemoration; memory; Soviet Union; Russia; Oswald Rufeisen; collective memor; national myths; representation of the Holocaust


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