On the problems of interpretation of Julius Barč-Ivan's prose


In this paper we consider about selected motifs (of artist, preacher, transformation, way, getaway, preaching and his symbols…) in the artistic text of Július Barč-Ivan, which is connected with the context of eastern Slovakia and which was formed by ideology, as well as socio-political situation of the first Czechoslovak Republic. We choose the Barč-Ivan's prose, which thematised the "story" of character conditional by dark sides of fact and in which selected motifs are presented through an artistic means and methods "from the interface" expressionism and existentialism. Barč-Ivan’s literary works fulfill not only an aesthetic function, but also other functions, since benefiting from a difficult family or socio-political, or socially conditioned situation, on the thematised situation is viewed through the prism of time, or vitalism and Christian philosophy.

prose; figure of artist; figure of preacher; motif of transformation; motif of road; motif of getaway; motif of preaching; Christian symbols; spiritual and aesthetic value


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