Славяне как объект научных исследований и университетской дидактики


The following article applies to cognitive limits of Slavonic languages and literature and the range of their research as well as their place in the academic didactics. In order to describe the studies about Slavs we use terms "sławistika" and "sławianowiedienije" which are considered as synonyms or two different scientific branches. The wide interpretation of the first of these expressions includes spiritual, intellectual and material live of Slavs, however a lot of Slavists do not agree on this wide meaning. In their opinion the object of research should be limited only to language and literature. One of these research worker is Aleksandr Moldavan – the author of the article entitled The Ways of Slavs and Slavonic Languages and Literature in the Modern World. The following article shows the polemics with Moldavan's arguments.

Slavs; sławistika; sławianowiedienije; Slavonic identity; "rossijewiedienije" (Russian studies)


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SUCHANEK, Lucjan: Место антропологии в эмигрантологических исследованиях. In: Ruska dijaspora i slovenski svet. Zbornik radova. Učreditel' Petr Bunњk. Beograd, 2013, s. 11–21.

SUCHANEK, Lucjan: Эмигрантология. In: Идеи в России. Ideas in Russia. Idee w Rosji. Leksykon rosyjsko-polsko-angielski. T. 9. Pod red. J. Dobieszewskiego. Łódź, 2015, с. 496–499.

SUCHANEK, Lucjan: Славяне и славистика в эпоху глобализации. "Slavistika" (Beograd) 18, 2014, s. 113–126.

SUCHANEK, Lucjan: Россиеведение и эмигрантология. Новые формы исследований и дидактики в польской славистике. "Nová rusistika" (Brno), 2012. Supplementum, s. 17–21.

SUCHANEK, Lucjan: Центральная Европа и славянский вопрос. In: Středni Evropa včera a dnes: proměny koncepcí. Ed. Ivo Pospíšil. Brno 2015, ss. 473–482.

Краткая литературная энциклопедия. Т. 6. Москва 1971.

Энциклопедический словарь Ф. А. Брокгауза и И. А. Ефрона, С-Пб. 1889–1907. Цит. по: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/brokgauz_efron/94811.



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