The global world order and the modern Slavic studies


It is suggested that the old world order is in a global crisis now, and during the last 25 years the bipolar "Yalta-system" that existed from the end of the 2nd world war faded away. The modern world is multipolar. The university education in Europe, the humanitarian sciencies, the Slavic studies too are in process of changing. The paper deals with the use of 15 Russian idioms in a text representing fiction and journalism. It is shown that the modern Slavic phraseology and paremiology, the study of a "language picture of the world" must not give a reason to abuse the ethnic stereotypes due the danger of nationalism.

global world order; crisis; interethnic conflicts; university education; the quality of education; humanitarian science; Slavic studies; the phraseology of Slavic languages; modern paremiology; language picture of the world; ethnic stereotypes; the danger of nationalism


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