Slavonic philology in Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod


The roots of Slavonic philology in University of Nizhny Novgorod refer to the first decades of the XX  century. The main landmarks of Slavonic philology development in NNSU were determined. Extension of Slavonic training of students is considered to be one of the priority tasks of development of students’ international academic mobility, mastering of another Slavonic language by the students of philology being the necessary component of Slavonic training. Its specificity at the philological faculty of NNSU is exposed. The dominant position among the Slavonic languages studied by philologists is occupied by the Czech language, its teaching incorporates practical objectives. Active practical mastering of the Czech language is enhanced by collaboration with the faculty of philosophy from Masaryk University, Brno being successfully developed from 2003 and by functioning of the Czech centre of education and culture (established in 2005) which is the only one non-capital centre in Russia and which has become the base of students’ advanced studying of the Czech language and of arranging yearly training courses for Czech students specializing in Russian philology.

Slavonic philology; international academic mobility; philological faculty of NNSU; roots of Slavonic philology; traditions in teaching the Slavonic languages and literature; the Chair of history of the Russian language and Slavonic linguistics as the base of Slavonic training; the Czech centre of education and culture; international collaboration with the department of philosophy from Masaryk University, Brno


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