Surrounded by the abundance of nothingness : anthropology of things in Andrzej Stasiuk's essay collection East (2014)


The aim of the paper is to analyze the collection of travel essays East (2014) written by Polish writer Andrzej Stasiuk in the context of the broadly conceived anthropology of things. Stasiuk in his essayistic texts, touches upon the most fundamental problems of the present times - he perceives the transformation of human relationship to things, negatively evaluates the growing consumer style of life, and he also analyzes the human relationship to the past through the peculiar anthropology of things. He depicts objects that can be "silent witnesses" to tragic, traumatic events such as the Holocaust. Last but not least, the Polish essayist also follows the transformations of Central European society after 1989. Important questions concerning the authenticity and truth of human life are also touched upon in the paper. The human attitude to things reveals certain changes in society that can today be traced. Based on the analysis of individual texts, the author of the study will also try to characterize Stasiuk's anthropology of things.

Andrzej Stasiuk; contemporary Polish literature; anthropology of things


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