On the research of genre of a diary in the Slavonic environment


A lot of diaries published in the second half of 20th century and at the beginning of 21st century witnesses about the fact that nowadays, diary is considered to be one of popular genres by writers as well non-writers. From the perspective of literary criticism, diary belongs to less popular genres, because in the recent past about this genre has not been created a lot of secondary literature in comparison with other genres, for example a novel or short story etc. The paper deals with the genre of a diary from the point of terminology, its placement in the systematics of the autobiographical genres. On the example of Dostoyevsky's Diary of a writer and Bulgakov's Under the oppression, the author focuses on the genre type called diary of a writer and its specific features in the context of Slavonic literatures.

autobiography; genre and genre type; diary; diary of a writer; Dostoyevsky; Bulgakov


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