The author in literary historical context


At the turn of the 1940s and the 1950s poetics of a prosaic text in Slovak literature reflected several individual items in a literary historical context. They were gradually connected to the changes in social and political realities, the reminiscences of a fading literary life of the first half of the 20th century and the status of the author in the inter-war literature, the post-war concept formation and the declared program of new modern Slovak literature, a generational exchange comprising authors and literary history, the selection of the dominant themes in addition to the prosaic projection of an individual in the prose by the debutants at the end of the 1950s. Among the complex changes in opinions and differentiating aesthetic and poetological processes it is necessary to mention the genealogical movements and morphological, aesthetic and noetic ambitions of the debutants initiated by them. In the difficult cultural and social period, the status, role, importance and social dominance of a writer undergo substantial changes. After the Second World War, it is the writer who was the source of all the "new" which should have moved the Slovak literature to Europe.

cultural policy; censorship; genre; author; text; theme; text function


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