Genre ballad as a film adaptation prototext


The film adaptation has been relatively frequent in the recent period of medialistics, but literary science has focused mainly on the principles of transcribing the literary text into film form. In our work, we focus on the atypical transcription of two balladic texts into film adaptation of adaptation of the oldest Slovak folk ballads directed by Štefan Uher in Javor and Juliana (1971) and the adaptation of director František Brabec Bouquet (2000). Since the basic principles of the creation of the balladic text and the characteristics of this genre are relatively familiar, we will focus on the issue of genology, and above all on the penetration and coexistence of lyrical, epic and dramatic elements in the literary art and consequently in the film form. The issue has a broader literary, film, but also anthropological and cultural aspect, so we will outline only the basic premise of further possible research on the topic.

film; literature; adaptation; lyric; epic; dramatic


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