From temptation to understanding – Dominik Tatarka


Literary history and cultural journalism are dedicated to the personalities and works of Dominic Tatark without rupture and so that the interpretation of social and personal realities and the contexts of the available interpretations of the work and the circumstances that created, circumvented and denied it were brought into line. For generations of contemporaries and peasants, the past decades have come into the post factum dialogue with Tatark, another and younger among literary scientists, lessons and a differently set value goal. It is essential that the personality of Dominika Tatarka did not escape from the cognitive ambitions of those who know the material and precisely oriented in the context of development, but also those who find wider and unexpected nuances of possible touch of his viewing himself, life and the world and art with others advertisements and aesthetic concepts in philosophy and art.

Dominik Tatarka; faith; art; philosophy; creator personality; social context


BÁTOROVÁ, Mária: Dominik Tatarka. Slovenský Don Ouijote (Sloboda a sny). Bratislava: Veda, 2012. 244 s.

DUŠEK, Dušan: Veľká potreba lampášov. Levoča: Modrý Peter, 2018. 117 s.

MIKULA, Valér: Od baroka k postmoderne: interpretačné sondy do slovenskej literatúry. Levice: Vydavateľstvo L.C.A, 1997. 159 s.

MINÁČ, Vladimír – PODRACKÁ, Dana: Paradiso. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Spolku slovenských spisovateľov, 1998. 362 s.

MOJŽIŠ, Juraj: Človek pamäti kultúry. Denník N 4, 2018, č. 231, s. 22. Víkendové vydanie 30. 11. až 2. 12. 2018.

VYDRA, Anton – ZAJAC, Peter: Pokušenie Dominika Tatarku. Rozhovory o literatúre, spoločnosti a Slovákoch. Bratislava: W Press, 2018. 143 s.

TATARKA, Dominik: Sám proti noci. Bratislava: Artforum, 2017. 125 s.



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