The theme of uprooting and loss in contemporary prose : over the novel The Germans by Jakuba Katalpa


The study analyzes the novel Němci (The Germans, 2012) of the Czech prose writer Jakuba Katalpa as an attempt at a new perspective on the issue of the life of the German minority in Czechoslovakia from the interwar period to the wild expulsion and subsequent organized displacement of German-speaking inhabitants after the end of the Second World War. The novel represents a concealed polemic with ideologically and morally accented approaches to the subject – in Czech prose until 1989 significantly anti-German oriented, since the nineties on the contrary, often adoring Sudeten Germans as positive heroes. Unlike its earlier experimental narrations written in a complex language, the author made in the novel Němci (The Germans) an interesting combination of cultivated contemporary language, material style and ever-branching narrative structure dominating everyday life intensely perceived by all senses.

contemporary Czech prose; German minority in Czechoslovakia; narrative structure; language and style; the novel Němci (The Germans); Jakuba Katalpa


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