The literary historian Vladimír Petrík among us


Vladimír Petrík belonged to a significant generation of post-war graduates of philological studies at Comenius University. Naturally, he began his contact with literary life, literature and its creators as a literary critic in the middle of the last century, to associate a substantial part of his professional activity in Slovak literary criticism with literary history. The time and activities of his generation naturally retreated at the beginning of the millennium to young colleagues, among them V. Petrík gained professional, collegial and human respect for his expertise and the way he coped with the development and its demanding social, value and personal content. Vladimír Barborík and Magdalena Bystrzak returned to the personality of the literary historian, processed and completed his unfinished manuscript devoted to the personality of Alexander Matuška and the development of Slovak literary criticism in their interconnection.

literary development; literary life; literary history; national literature; generation; generation dispute; value and importance of critical reflection


PETRÍK, Vladimír – BARBORÍK, Vladimír: Pohyb k nehybnosti. Literárny život od začiatku 60. do konca 70. rokov objektívom Antona Šmotláka. Bratislava: Literárne informačné centrum, 2018. 244 s.

PETRÍK, Vladimír: Slovenský intelektuál Alexander Matuška. Eds. Vladimír Barborík – Magdalena Bystrzak. Bratislava: Literárne informačné centrum, 2019. 153 s.



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