Claude Kastler – a leading Slavonic scholar and Czech language promoter in France


The paper explores the legacy of Claude Kastler (1936–2011), a major figure in the 20th-century Slavonic studies in France whose research and teaching activities as the leading representative of the Slavonic comparative literature made him instrumental in the promotion of Czech Studies at the University of Grenoble (today the Université Grenoble Alpes). His interest in the Czech language was in particular due to the Prague Spring events of 1968, when he joined the University. Besides Polish and Russian grammar, Kastler's researches were focused on the communicative and linguodidactic study of Czech as a foreign language, which is reflected in his synthesising, "practical and well-designed" grammar of La langue tchèque (1995). Thus in both his works and teaching practice, Kastler followed in the distinguished tradition of cultural, historical, and philological studies of Slavonic nations in France (E. Denis, A. Mazon, A. Meillet, L. Leger, etc.).

Slavonic Studies; France; Czech Studies; Claude Kastle; linguistics; Czech-French relations


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