The image of Jesus Christ in text and context the novel "On knives" of N. S. Leskov


The article reveals the methods and techniques of formation of the Christian context, the form of representation of which is the symbolic space of the novel text, which are actual for N. S. Leskov's novel "On knives". The image-symbol of Jesus Christ as the main means of formation of contextual content centers the Christian meanings, motives, images, symbols, defining the semantic content of the symbolic space. The image of Christ functions in the text thanks to the verbal iconography and the "gospel text" created by the author. Poetic methods of introducing the image of Christ into the text are mention, naming, naming, quotation, reminiscence, allusion, etc. They also act as markers of Christian motives, concepts, ideologies. The image-symbol of Christ and the accompanying meanings, motives, images contribute to the embodiment and expression of the author's worldview and understanding of man.

Christian context; the image of the symbol; contextual poetics


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