Slavic preachers Constantine and Methodius and their heritage as interpreted by the paleoslavist and educator Josef Vašica


The author reflects on the Slavic heritage of the scientist, educator and priest Josef Vašica, who not only an interpreter of the Great Moravian era, but dealt with issues of translation of the Holy Scriptures (Bible) and Old Bohemian texts and is considered to be the discoverer of the Czech literary baroque. He came from Silesia, a region where several nations and nationalities have met since ancient times. Vašica intended to study the multilayered region from the earliest times, especially in terms of language (Silesia as a mediator of the oldest Slavic culture). Later, Vašica's scientific interests extended beyond the region, and Vašica also dealt with other issues of Paleoslavic and Slavic studies. This paper deals with his contribution to the study of Constantine and Methodius and their heritage. Vasica's work is limited by the time of origin and the level of knowledge; however, his works can be inspiring for the science of the 21st century.

Great Moravian era; Slavic scientist; priest; educator; Josef Vašica


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