Images of assimilation and self-awareness of Jews in the prose works of Vojtěch Rakous and Ota Pavel


The study analyses and compares the literary images of the assimilation of Jews in the Czech countryside at the end of the 19th century and in the first third of the 20th century in the short stories and features of Vojtěch Rakous (born Adalbert Österreicher, 1862–1935), which follow the genre of short stories from the ghetto (Ghettogeschichte) and images of Jewish self-awareness in the post-Shoah period in the autobiographical and family stories and features of Ota Pavel (born Otto Popper, 1930–1973), which develop and modify the author' original journalistic focus on portraits of the internally ambiguous personalities. Aware of the fate of the persecuted nation and its attempts to coexist with the majority society, both authors use different literary methods, but in a similar basic diction, which follows the traditions of Jewish literature and at the same time leads a dialogue with contemporary tendencies in literature and art.

Jewish authors of the 20th century; modern Czech prose; comparative imagology; assimilation of Jews; Jewish self-awareness; Vojtěch Rakous; Ota Pavel


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