The role of polyphony in the novel Orfografiya


Dmitry Lvovich Bykov applies the conception of the cyclical development of Russia in his novels. In his opinion, we can observe four periods in Russian history (period of reforms, freezes, liberalization, and stagnation), which happen again and again. In the case of the novel Orfografiya, he devotes the first period. The fiction story is narrated by a non-diegetic narrator, which mediates the dialogue between futuristic and conservative artists. Thanks to that polemic, the fictional world is more open to interpretation, because there are a lot of semantic oppositions: dynamic and static, liberty and totality, innovation and tradition. A plurality of opinions is replaced with a period of freezes, which restricts of liberty of all artists. Polyphony of the novel works as a medium for new aspects of the represented historical theme, and gives an intelligible message – Russia won't break free from dependence on cyclical development without compromise and understanding.

Dmitry Lvovich Bykov; Orfografiya; polyphony; cyclical development of Russia


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