Czech and Polish prose of the 1970s in terms of the poetics of composition


The study deals with the compositional construction of the Czech and Polish prose of the 1970s. The author points out the similarities and differences in the compositional poetics of either national literature. The subjects of the interpretation are the prose works by Milan Kundera, Josef Škvorecký, Bedřich Svatoš, Bohumil Hrabal, Jan Trefulka, Roman Ráž, Miroslav Horníček, Jaromír Tomeček, Vladimír Körner, Josef Toman, Oldřich Daněk, Vladimír Neff, Jarmila Loukotková and Pavel Hejcman. From the Polish prose, the author analyses the works by Jerzy Broszkiewicz, Tadeusz Konwicki, Stanisław Ryszard Dobrowolski, Maciej Słomczyński, Leon Wantuła and Natalia Rolleczek.

composition; Czech and Polish prose of the 1970's; comparison


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