Peroutka's The Later Life of the Virgin


Ferdinand Peroutka's novel is an anti-history as it narrates a story of Jean of Arc in which she is not burned but freed. The novel has a double layer - fictional and semi-fictional. The fictional layer relates to the fate of Joan of Arc, more precisely to the devaluation of her fate after her problematic liberation. The hero of the semi-fictional layer is a writer who is writing the history of the Virgin of Orleans. The second layer is set in the United States and indirectly tells of the ambiguous position of the author himself and his unexpected final decision. The means of construction in the novel have a double character - the gemini characters, character pair, the confrontational and oneiric scene, the architectural and figural framing. Irenic elements in the novel and in the life of the author.

anti-history; fictional and semi-fictional layer; gemini; character pair; confrontational scene; oneiric scene; architectural framing; figural framing; irenism


KOSATÍK, Pavel: Ferdinand Peroutka, pozdější život (1938-1978). 2. vydání. Praha: Mladá fronta, 2011.

PEROUTKA, Ferdinand: Pozdější život Panny. Toronto: Sixty-Eight Publishers, 1980.

PEROUTKA, Ferdinand: Budeme pokračovat. Toronto: Sixty-Eight Publishers, 1984.

VŠETIČKA, František: Mirákl Josefa Škvoreckého. In: Střední Evropa včera a dnes: proměny koncepcí II. Ed. Ivo Pospíšil, Brno: Galium, 2018, s. 223-229.

VŠETIČKA, František: Příběh inženýra lidských duší Josefa Škvoreckého. Partonyma 7, 2018, č. 25-26, s. 81-87.



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