Reflection of the Holocaust in the graphic novels Der Boxer and Maus


In the first part, the study analyzes the terms "comics" and "Jewish comics". In the second part, it provides a detailed analysis of the depiction of the Holocaust in the graphic novels Der Boxer (2012) by the German author Reinhard Kleist and Maus I-II (1986-1991) by the American author of Polish origin Art Spiegelman. It concludes that both texts are explicit in their anti-psychologism and emotional rationalism and base their aesthetic value not on the originality of the subject matter but on the form of the artwork. While Boxer is a realistic comic about boxing as a means of survival in the liminal situation of a concentration camp, the postmodern Maus captures the traumatic experience of genocide through the allegorical presentation of the main characters as animal beings. Despite their genre-thematic differences, the Holocaust themes of both comics convey sensitive issues of Jewish identity, pointing to two legitimate possibilities of artistic grasp of the material.

Reinhard Kleist; Boxer; Art Spiegelman; Maus; holocaust in comics (graphic novels); anti-Semitism; Jewish identity


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