Divadlo nezávislé Indie: anglicky psaná indická dramatika


The study focuses on the situation of drama written in the English language whose authors are Indians. Particular attention is paid to the development of drama in the English language in India after 1947, e.g. in the period after gaining the independence, up to the present. Having outlined the main trends, the author deals with work of two dramatists, whose pieces enjoy a considerable public reception on stages in India as well as internationally. They are Girish Karnad and Mahesh Dattani. Both of them create in the spirit of mutually different streams of modern Indian drama. In Karnad's play The Fire and the Rain and in Dattani's Tara, the author particularly observes those aspects that depose of the playwright's approach to psychological, social and mythological themes. The aim of the study is, above all, to offer a basic survey of the issue that has been recently attracting attention of Western theatre studies.


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