Divadelní vesnice, aneb, První plenérové představení řecké tragédie v Čechách


In 1920, an amateur theatre company Heyduk, which operated between the years 1920 and 1937, was established in a small village Heřmaň (in a programme of Burian's avant-garde theatre D41, this community is called the Theatre Village). The scope and quality of their repertory was admirable, its dramaturgical plan, realized in two cycle – in the Modern Plays Cycle and the Folk Plays Cycle, was very progressive, but was far from representing all the activities of this amateur ensemble, which realized about 60 lectures and literary evenings, organized exhibitions, various parties and balls, collectively listened to the radio, organized trips to cinemas and theatres (for example, the whole ensemble went to see a performance of E. F. Burian's plays in České Budějovice) and had its own library. All that, and the first open-air production of Greet tragedy in the Czech environment, would not happen without the leading person Václav Krška, a future film director. It was Krška's unrepeatable achievement: in his amateur theatre, he revived the old concept of the Ancient Greek theatre and connected the whole village in a collective gesture of an immense importance.


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