"Asian" theatre sign : its potential and its limits in the history of the Czech Structuralist thought


The paper deals with the influences of Asian theatre forms on Czech structural thought on theatre. The text is based on the author's former paper "Znakové systémy asijských divadelních forem v českém myšlení o divadle" [Sign systems of Asian theatre forms in context with Czech thinking on theatre] and develops some of its topics – especially the question of possible resources of theoretical inspiration of the Prague School. Considering the essays by e.g. Jindřich Honzl, Karel Brušák, Jiří Veltruský, and also Dana Kalvodová, the paper is focused on the means of describing the process of creating a sign in Asian theatre. The study deals with the development of the crucial ideas of the topic. It also provides an overview of the articles written by Czech Orientalists, travellers and artists on the given topic, and describes their first encounters and experiences with Asian theatre.


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