Ve službách knížete Liechtensteina: několik poznatků k provozu zámeckého divadla ve Valticích


The present study based on the revision of Liechtenstein manuscript collection in Vienna sheds light on previously unknown facts concerning the performance of palace theatre in Valtice. The greatest attention is devoted to the changes in production between 1790–1815, when the practice of employing various actors groups for one season only typical of the Baroque period was gradually replaced by the concept of a permanent professional ensemble conceived by the Enlightenment. The gist of the research was a careful scrutiny of particular manuscripts from Valtice, especially the petitions of different ensembles, that give better insight into the historical context of the existence of court theatres.

Klíčová slova:
zámecké divadlo; Valtice; Alois I. Joseph Liechtenstein; profesionální herecké společnosti; osvícenství; Joseph von Sonnenfels


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