Puppet cabaret: visual idioms, performance technologies and the poetics of Czech special puppets in a European context 1850–1950 : (from artistic automata through trick and variety puppets, to puppet cabaret and variety show clowns and acrobats)


This article brings an analysis of the history and development of variety and trick puppets in the Czech lands between 1850 and 1950 together with a discussion of the extant artefacts, with a particular focus on the mechanics of these special puppets and their innovations during the Modernist decades in a European context. Variety and trick puppets were also significant components of the traditional marionettists' productions and complement, and the article also considers the extant ephemera surrounding that tradition of performance.

Klíčová slova:
Czech puppet theatre; marionettes; traditional theatre; folk theatre; travelling theatre; variety puppets; trick puppets; Modernism


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