Úkoly Scénografického ústavu


The present study, based on a bachelor thesis of the same title, presents a limited number of outcomes from vast scale of activities the Czech Scenographic Institute carried out over some fifteen years of its existence, especially those connected to the use of various types of spaces for theatrical productions. Another point of reference is the personality of Miroslav Kouřil, head of the institute, whose theoretical works on theatrical space have been also analysed to reveal Kouřil's opinions on its functions, characteristics, etc. The second part of the paper covers concrete projects of the Institute, such as the Luminescent Theatre, Experimental Studio, and the Study of Revitalization of the Emmaus Monastery in Prague. The study is appended by Kouřil's "Essay on the improvement of theatre buildings and theatre halls", that makes suggestions concerning possible future localization and operation of theatres in Prague.

Klíčová slova:
Scénografický ústav; Scénografická laboratoř; Miroslav Kouřil; Divadelní prostor; luminiscenční divadlo; Experimentální studio Scénografické laboratoře


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