Institutional structure, social function, and the Shakespeare repertoire in Hungary after 1989–1990

Roč.24,č.Special Issue(2021)

The article discusses the framework of Hungarian Shakespeare productions after 1989–1990. Although the social function and circumstances of culture have changed, theatre was able to preserve its position, as its institutional structure remained almost the same as before. The paper studies the major Hungarian Shakespeare directors in the 20th century, following which it deals with the relation of companies founded after 1989 to Shakespeare. Afterwards the paper shows the tendencies in the frequency of Shakespeare productions, presents the data of companies with relevant Shakespeare repertoires, and provides a list of Shakespeare plays produced in Hungarian theatres. Finally, awards given to Shakespeare productions are listed and developments in translation are outlined.

Klíčová slova:
theatre structure; Shakespeare canon; favoured and neglected plays; significant directors and companies; new translations


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