Scenography as a living transformator of the theatrical space : the 'on stage' spatialities of Giorgos Patsas and Dionisis Fotopoulos


The aim of this research is to outline an analysis of the work of set designers Giorgos Patsas and Dionisis Fotopoulos. Scenography is understood as the creation of space situated between the dichotomy of space/place and is semiotically analysed in relation to both the text and the actors' bodies. Through this framework, the published retrospectives of the scenographer were interpreted, and interviews with set designers/critics were conducted to discuss selected works. The liminal spatialities of the scenographic proposals of Patsas/Fotopoulos are signified through their articulation with place/dramatic text and space/performing bodies.

Klíčová slova:
theatre; scenography; space; place; spatiality; text; body; Patsas; Fotopoulos


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