Experiencing the infra-ordinary : the power of imaginative spaces


Examining The Infra-Ordinary Lab (IOL), a site-specific participatory performance that invites participants to a multi-sensory exploration of the 'genius loci' of Holešovická Tržnice, this article explores the importance of active, imaginative, and embodied experience in performing arts, in contrast to our increasingly screen-based lives. It questions the hierarchy of our senses and highlights some of the historical context behind this. It discusses the politics of drawing attention to the 'infra-ordinary aspects' (PEREC 2008) of our surroundings and the vital importance of protecting the wild space of our imagination and our freedom to 'feel', outside of the dominant consumer narrative. The article is written in a form of a dialogue which reflects various aspects of the projects in a deliberately multi-faceted, fragmentary and rhizomatic way.

Klíčová slova:
virtual spaces; ephemeral spaces; site-specific; participatory performance


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