The corporeal and the intangible : puppet theatre in the digital age


In recent years, theatre has increasingly integrated technology, with scholars exploring concepts like 'liveness' and 'mediatization' (AUSLANDER 1999), 'presence' (POWER 2008), and 'intermediality' (DERES 2015). However, these discourses have often overlooked puppetry as a medium. This paper argues that it is time to include puppetry in these discussions, particularly where live acting and digital tools intersect. Examining the production Dekameron2023 (Budapest Puppet Theatre), the paper uses Bolter and Gursin's concepts of immediacy and hypermediacy and proposes to explore the interplay of the 'corporeal' (referring to the performer's body, whether puppet or flesh) and the 'intangible' (digital, virtual), celebrating the live human agency in digital-age theatre.

Klíčová slova:
puppet theatre; sand animation; shadow theatre; bunraku; intermediality; post-dramatic theatre; contemporary theatre; Dekameron2023


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