Czech puppet theatre in global contexts: roots, theories and encounters


This article is both an introduction to this volume as well as to the rich and enchanting world of Czech puppet theatre, with its unique combination of transnational and geographically and cultural distinctive features. Pavel Drábek's essay, incorporated in this introduction, revisits the early modern roots of Czech puppet theatre, suggesting the possible missing links between the early practices, as documented in the travelling performers' tradition, and the tradition of the marionettists of the last two centuries. The introduction traces the developments of the Czech puppet theatre into the twentieth century and its impact on cinema as well as its key role in the shaping of modern theatre theory under the aegis of the Prague School.

Klíčová slova:
Czech puppet theatre; theatre history; UNIMA; early modern theatre; English travelling actors; quodlibet; variety show; motion; Robert Browne; Czech animation; Prague School; theatre theory


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