Theatralia 2016, Issue 1: Český divadelní strukturalismus a Pražská škola


Theatralia 2016, Issue 1: Český divadelní strukturalismus a Pražská škola [Czech Theatre Structuralism and the Prague School]

The first issue of Theatralia in 2016 is devoted to the Czech Theatre Structuralism and the Prague School. The thematic section, Yorick, consists of studies written by members of the team collaborating on the grant project “Czech Theatre Structuralism: Contexts and Prospective (2011–2015). Some of the studies are primarily concerned with important personalities of the Prague Circle (e.g. the studies by Eva Stehlíková, David Drozd and Šárka Havlíčková Kysová), other present the Prague Linguistic Circle from wider perspective, especially its numerous activities contributing to Czech culture (studies by Eva Šlaisová and Martin Bernátek). Šárka Havlíčková Kysová and Kateřina Lukáčová explore the history of the Czech Scenographic Institute and the personality of Miroslav Kouřil.


The non-thematic section Spectrum includes a biographical study of Russian scholar Nikolai Evreinov by Jana Bartůňková, and another study exploring the dramaturgy of the National Theatre in Brno during the era of Václav Nosek and Miloš Wasserbauer, co-written by Šárka Havlíčková Kysová and Helena Spurná.


Several texts by Jiří Veltruský, discovered only recently in his estate, are for the very first time published in the Archive.


Books reviewed in the Orientation section include a variety of items on the Czech Structuralism, the Avant-Garde, Norwegian historian Ivo de Figueireda, and other topics.


In the Section called Dispatches, brief notes of several theatre conferences are given, e.g. the Czech and Slovak Scenography for Shakespeare (Hull, UK, 2015), Flow Conference (Austin, Texas, U.S., 2015), the Prague Quadriennal (Prague, CZ, 2015), and the festival Specific devoted to Norwegian drama (Brno, CZ, 2015).


The issue was edited by: Andrea Jochmanová

The issue is available for purchase at the Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts, MU, in Masaryk University Shopping Centre, Hana Smílková Book Shop, and is available in the Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University.