New issue: Theatralia 2017/1
Theatre as an Institution
The thematic section of the Spring issue (2017/1), ‘Yorick’, concerns with institutional aspects of theatre management in the Czech lands, especially the legal frame of theatre activities, both from the historical (Libor Vodička’s paper on the legal turnabout in 1940s/1950s) and todays perspective (Markéta Štěpáníková’s analysis of the current controversies around the bill regulating the management of cultural institutions). The copyright law is addressed by Martina Hájíková, and the main section is closed by Kristýna Binková’s text on the second career of professional dancers.
The ‘Spectrum’ section contains a paper by Eva Stehlíková (on the lately-deceased scenographer Jaroslav Malina), and by Šárka Havlíčková Kysová and Helena Spurná (on theatre realism in music theatre of Walter Falsenstein).
The Guest Section runs interviews with Norwegian theatre scholar Wenche Larsen on the current Norwegian theatre and Austrian theatre scholar Brigitte Marschall on Jakob Levy Moreno respectively (Moreno, the founder of psychodrama, is also introduced by a translated article on his life and work).
The ‘Books Reviewed’ range from issues covered by the thematic section to Czech and world theatre and drama.
In the ‘Events’ can be found notes on recent exhibitions in Vienna and Autumn Prague Festival of German Theatre, reports from conference on theatre criticism, etc.
Issue editors: Iva Mikulová, Libor Vodička