Theatralia 2017/1, Supplementum


The first Supplement of the Theatralia 2017 is devoted to the presentation of the project run by the research group for the Modern Czech theatre, part of the Department for Research into 20th Century and Contemporary Literature, Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS, “Modern Czech Drama (1869–1989). Between Text and Performance (Encyclopaedia of Plays)”. The conception of the encyclopaedia and the structure of individual entries is presented in the Introduction by the editor of the work, Aleš Merenus. The bulk of the supplement consist of six exemplary entries for plays from the 1960s, i.e. Kdyby tisíc klarinetů (If a Thousand Clarinets), Majitelé klíčů (The Owners of the Keys), Zámek (The Castle), Na koho to slovo padne (Who is The Name), and Kosmické jaro (The Cosmic Spring). The entries contain also editorial notes and the list of abbreviations and names of theatres. The project encompasses a number of prominent Czech theatre and literary scholars work together to redefine methodological approaches to drama research. The presents Supplements represents the first outcome of the project subject to comments and suggestions from the professional public.

The issue is available online: