Between Brno and Vienna: beginnings of the enlightenment reforms in Brno Municipal theatre under its director Johann Heinrich Böhm


The study reflects the situation of Brno Municipal Theatre during 1770‒1771, years in which the transformation from a stagione to a steady institution of art was provoked. Its dramaturgical plan fulfilled the enlightenment demands. This process was initiated by a group of actors under the director K. A. Schaumberg, a man who promoted the late-Baroque style of theatre. The revolting group was led by J. H. Böhm and R. Waitzhofer, both directors-to-be. Their efforts coincide with J. von Sonnenfelse's concept of a radical transformation of the theatrical conditions in the capital, published in April 1770 in Brno newspapers. As soon as Schaumberg bankrupted, J. H. Böhm became the director of Municipal theatre in July 1771 and went on with his reforms. Only due to the dramaturgical efforts did Municipal theatre in Brno succeed in coping with Vienna, whose two court theatres underwent a similar process of transformation.


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