Teatralita veřejných událostí ‒ uvedení do problematiky


The present paper introduces definitions of the key concepts that frame the research on the theatricality of public events held at the Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, since 2010. The overview presents concepts such as theatricality, performance, and symbolic aspects of acting as well as the concept of "theatre as a cultural model" (i.e. theatre in the broad sense of meaning). Present research allows for the symbolic acts to be perceived as spontaneous; it also concentrates on the way in which acting in everyday life, and during public events is being made prominent by theatrical means (e.g. set, costumes, expressivity). More generally, exploring the limits of theatricality enables theatre scholars to open up their field for impulses from anthropology, sociology, and culturology, hence approach their subject of inquiry in a more interdisciplinary way.

theatricality; performativity; symbolic action; public space


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