The enigmatic puppets of important Czech marionettists, the Flachs


This article brings summative information in relation to the Flachs, one of the leading families of traditional Czech folk marionettists. It focuses on the last three generations, from the mid-nineteenth century to the decline of itinerant family marionette troupes in the 1950s. The article also analyses extant puppets made and used by the family and their distinctive carving techniques.

Czech puppet theatre; puppet makers; puppet carvers; marionettes; traditional theatre; folk theatre; travelling theatre; Flachs


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Puppets from the collections of the Moravian Museum, the Theatre History Department, Brno: collections 'Berousek' (sign. L1–L15), collection R. Flachs (sign. L40–L61, L81), collection V. Flachsova (sign. L1046–1065), collection A. Kučera (sign. L1198–L1216).

Puppets from the collections of Milan Knižak, Praha, without classmarks.

Puppets from the collections of Jiři Vorel, Praha, without classmarks.

Puppets from the collections of Marie and Pavel Jirasek, Brno, without classmarks.

The memoires and correspondence of the Moravian Museum with Marie Berouskova, Hynek Berousek, Rudolf Flachs, Vlasta Nova and Vaclav Kučera. Collections of the Moravian Museum, the Theatre History Department, Brno: sign. A, R, incl. sound recordings (magnetic tapes and digitalised files) sign. E.

Written documentation from the heritage of the families of Flachs, Novy and Kučera. Moravian Museum, the Theatre History Department, Brno: sign. A.



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