Reception of Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of Their Author in the Czech lands in 1920s


The paper explores the reception of Luigi Pirandello's play Six Characters in Search of Their Author in the Czech Lands in 1920s, especially spectator and critical responses to its productions. Thanks to its innovative approach to theatre conventions, specific poetics based on blurring the border between reality and fiction, questioning the generally accepted values and the very existence of objective truth, the comedy aroused mixed reactions among Czech spectators and critiques. Based on a thorough analysis of theatre reviews, critiques, and notes to its productions, the reactions of Czech professional and spectatorial community are explored, assessing the probable reasons of Pirandello's simultaneous success and failure with Czech audience, and delineating his place in the contexts of Czech culture.

theatre; Luigi Pirandello; Six Characters In Search of Their Author; reception; life stories


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