The event is suitable even for those unacquainted with God : notes to non-professional religious theatre in Moravia after 1990


The aim of the paper is to describe the communal aspect of theatre activities in Moravia pertaining to the two peaks of Christian year – Christmas and Easter. A number of non-professional theatre groups in the region of central and northern Moravia that rehearsed and performed repeatedly or singularly Christmas and Passion plays in 1990 was found and described in the course of the research. One of the reference points, and an autoethnographic experience of the author herself, is The Bethlehem, a production by Eva Tálská, premiered in the Studio Dům in 1991, which was repeatedly staged in the years to come under the clear sky. The Bethlehem became the paragon for later professional theatre revisitions of the story of Nativity, Passion and Resurrection of Christ. Non-professional theatre, on the contrary, drew from regional folk tradition or, more importantly, from personal fervour of individuals who managed to ignite their friends and fellows for theatre work; another group of instances represents productions in parishes (e.g. Rajhrad) and Christian communities (Kroměříž, Olomouc). From the point of theatre theory, the paper addresses the semantic value of the term theatre in relation to the above-mentioned theatre activities and to Bogatyrev's concept of the Theatre of Neighbours.

non-professional theatre; The Bethlehem; Passion play; The Live Bethlehem; community theatre; the Studio Dům; Eva Tálská; musical theatre; oratorio; Petr Bogatyrev


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