Filosofické aspekty Estetiky performativity Eriky Fischer-Lichte


In this article I am offering a philosophical perspective within the discussion of a seminal work by German theatre scholar Erika Fischer-Lichte, The Transformative Power of Performance. I am looking at how Fischer-Lichte applies philosophical concepts (such as phenomenology, post-structuralism and game philosophy), whilst interpreting performance art and its aesthetics. Although Fischer-Lichte claims that she relies on poststructural tradition, mainly on Judith Butler, in deconstructing modern dualism, her line of argumentation and key points contradict this. Thus, the parallels with Judith Butler are only declarative. The distance between the two scholars is especially notable when Fischer-Lichte uses the term "performativity" within the field of aesthetics, which she distinguishes from every-day human performance. In a similar manner, Fischer-Lichte interprets the term "corporeality" (Leib – Körper) and the phenomenon of play. Her understanding of the performing arts rests upon avantgarde principles, and her reflections, paradoxically, support modern dualism in its inverted form.

aesthetics of performativity; performative act; presentness; Leib; Körper; event; Butler; Fischer-Lichte


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